• HSE AWARENESS – Benefits of Hiking

    There are many benefits of hiking such as reducing stress, boost bone density, increased energy, help weight loss and many more.
  • HSE AWARENESS – Driving Tips During Heavy Rain

    During heavy rain, reduce your speed and increase your following distance to avoid hydroplaning. Use headlights for visibility and maintain a firm grip on the steering wheel. Avoid sudden maneuvers or braking and watch for pooling water, which could hide hazards or cause your vehicle to skid. If visibility is severely reduced, consider pulling over safely and waiting until conditions improve.
  • HSE AWARENESS – Fire Safety

    Fire safety refers to the set of practices and measures designed to prevent fires, protect people and property from fire hazards, and ensure safe evacuation in case of a fire.
  • HSE AWARENESS – Forklift Safety Awareness

    Forklift safety awareness involves understanding and following guidelines to prevent accidents and injuries when operating or working near forklifts.

    Fractures can range from minor cracks to complete breaks and may require immobilization, casting, or surgery to heal properly. Symptoms include pain, swelling, and difficulty moving the affected area.
  • HSE AWARENESS – Info About ERP

    An emergency response plan is a detailed strategy designed to prepare for, respond to, and recover from emergencies or disasters.
  • HSE AWARENESS – Know your ERT

    An emergency response team (ERT) is a group of trained individuals designated to respond to and manage emergencies or disasters. Their responsibilities include assessing situations, coordinating evacuations, providing first aid, and ensuring the safety of all personnel.
  • HSE AWARENESS – Microsleep

    Microsleep is a brief, involuntary episode of sleep that lasts for a few seconds. It occurs when a person is extremely tired but trying to stay awake, often happening without the person realizing it.
  • HSE AWARENESS – Office Safety

    Office safety involves practices and measures to prevent accidents and injuries in the workplace. It includes ensuring a clutter-free environment, proper ergonomic setups, fire safety protocols, adequate lighting, and regular maintenance of equipment.
  • HSE AWARENESS – Transition Phase to Endemic

    The transition phase to endemic refers to the period during which a disease moves from being a widespread epidemic or pandemic to becoming a regular, predictable occurrence in a specific population or region.
  • HSE AWARENESS – UCUA (How To Write More Details On Report)

    An unsafe condition or unsafe act report is a formal document or process used to report hazards, dangerous situations, or improper behaviors observed in the workplace. It helps identify risks that could lead to accidents or injuries.
  • HSE AWARENESS – Your Vehicles Checklist

    A vehicle checklist is a list of items and systems to inspect before operating a vehicle. It includes checking the brakes, tires, lights, fluid levels, mirrors, and other essential components to ensure the vehicle is safe and in good working condition.